Thursday, May 27, 2010

Team Up Thursday - PETS

Well, we missed last week. That's kinda my fault. My camera decided to just not work. I was getting an "err" code so I had to send it in to be serviced. Thank goodness for extended warranties - they are worth every single penny!!! As I'm typing up this blog, I'm anxiously awaiting for the big brown truck that my camera is riding in for delivery today! I'm keeping my fingers crossed it was fixed and I can go shooting this weekend!

In the meantime - PETS! Who doesn't love their family pets?? My photo is the top one. That is our family cat, Tigger. He's one of two that we love on and adore every day! He enjoys laying outside in the tall grass. My friend Deanna, has chosen a photo of their family dog and her son.

TUT - Pets 5-27

Team Up Thursday, hosted by Megan of Mental Inventory and Melody of the HipMomma's Journal is about teaming up with another person, choosing a weekly theme, sending it to each other to make a diptych and post it on our blogs to share with other. We are also posting our diptych on the Flickr Team Up Thursday group.

My good friend Deanna of ME (Momentary Exposures) and I have decided to team up together for this project. Deanna lives in Illinois and I am in Virginia. This is also our way to help each other work on our photography but encouraging motivation, inspiration and feedback to each other.


ibeeeg said...

I love your photo of Tigger, gives me a sense of calm, and peace.

Killlashandra said...

What a sweet shot of you cat! I wish I was napping in the grass myself right now. ;) Hope your camera arrived safely.