Friday, June 25, 2010

Team Up Thursday - YELLOW

I know, it's Friday but for both Deanna and it's been one of those weeks. At least we're here this week! Last week we missed again just due to life!

It's so funny how Deanna & I think alike. We only talked about our theme of yellow - we never said anything about fruit yet we both choose a yellow fruit! We live 1000 miles apart and yet one would think we still lived across the street from each other!

My photo is the lemons. These lemons were found on the side of the lemonade mix can sitting on my kitchen counter. The flash did not fire. The only lighting used was the available kitchen lighting. I did mess just a tiny bit in my Adobe Photoshop CS4 - I tweaked the temperature just a tiny bit and added a little bit of fill light. I shot it on (my standard) Aperture Mode at an f/5.7

Team Up Thursday, hosted by Megan of Mental Inventory and Melody of the HipMomma's Journal is about teaming up with another person, choosing a weekly theme, sending it to each other to make a diptych and post it on our blogs to share with other. We are also posting our diptych on the Flickr Team Up Thursday group.

My good friend Deanna of ME (Momentary Exposures) and I have decided to team up together for this project. Deanna lives in Illinois and I am in Virginia. This is also our way to help each other work on our photography but encouraging motivation, inspiration and feedback to each other.

1 comment:

Killlashandra said...

That's neat you guys both picked yellow fruit. Yellow is such a good summer color. Nice combo together. :)